Sunday, November 23, 2008

Stop Drop and Roll!

While searching through old emails/chats, Roomie 1 found some interesting conversations which just had to be posted on this site...they were too good to ignore.

Friend: fyi. your job friday may be to prevent me from pushing Overachiever onto the grill.

Roomie 1: Ok. I"ll be designated "hold me back" girl.

Friend: I'm so tempted to call him and be like "bring me back your orange shirt. Don't bother showing up on thursday or friday."

Roomie 1: If you do that, he will just talk shit about you.

Friend:  What if I kick him in the balls by accident? Like I feel like i'm falling and I accidently swing my leg up like oops! Balls!  Would that be wrong?

Roomie 1: No, I can't see anything wrong with that.

Friend: Or, oops! I bumped into you and happened to knock you into a grill filled with hot coals! oh my god! I'm so sorry! I fell!

Roomie 1: I could totally drop something in front of you for you to trip on.

Friend: YES!

Roomie 1: Oh my god! Friend are you okay?!?? I'm so sorry! I ACCIDENTALLY dropped that try of hotdogs right in front of you.  Oh, f@*!, Overachiever! What happened?

Friend: Yeah I'm okay Roomie 1.  I think I skinned my palms though...oh, are actually on fire! Thats not good! Stop drop and roll!

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