Friday, August 29, 2008

office politics

Roomie 2: Every one is here and we are talking about retard kids.  awesome.

Roomie 1: And yet again, I'm SO jealous of your job!

Running for president

Roomie 2: see, you could be president...

Roomie 1: Yay! All you need is to be a beauty pageant winner with no experience! Let's destroy our national resources! yay!

Roomie 2:  You have to be opposed to anything good in the world and carry a gun...

Roomie 1: I'm so going to go republican and win the nomination...let's kill puppies! Yay!  And I think the second amendment guarantees our right to club baby seals! Yay!

Roomie 2:  We are definitely allowed to carry clubs...just not numchucks...

Roomie 1: I think i'm going to invest in a billy club...

male escorts

Roomie 1: I can be the alcoholic slutty single girl at any function except HER wedding.  I have to have a date for that.  Preferably one who is a compulsive liar and won't have any problem pretending we are madly in love.