Friday, July 27, 2007

Roomie 1: I'm so depressed! I"ve just discovered my boobs are Cs not Bs

Roomie 2: So...they are the exact same boobs you had and loved yesterday. Only now you aren't delusional by thinking they are Bs.

Roomie 1: No! Yesterday I loved them because they were Bs. Now they are too big because they are Cs.

Roomie 2: They are the exact same boobs you had yesterday!

Roomie 1: I know i sound crazy...but yesterday it was ok to love them because they were Bs. I need a boob reduction now.

Roomie 2: Arrgh!


Levi's Fan said...

You forgot about the part where you said your boobs were no longer proportional. I assure you you are not top-heavy. You will remain unright.

Levi's Fan said...

hmmm, looking back o this post I think I meant "upright".