Tuesday, March 9, 2010

life is fair.

roomie: i'm still very upset about the cupcakes. like i don't know what to do for dinner now.

friend: do you seriously eat cupcakes for dinner?

roomie: yes. one for breakfast and one for dinner for 6 days, that makes 12. and on the 7th day i make a new batch. but now...

friend: okay, do you eat ANYTHING else?

roomie: i eat lunch.

friend: a legit lunch?

roomie: sometimes a boca burger for dinner dessert in reverse.

friend: do you eat snacks?

roomie: yea a legit lunch. lol. i get a monster salad or i go out to eat at a restaurant.

friend: how are you not 500 lbs?

roomie: and i clean that fucking plate. i don't know. magic. they are meth cupcakes?

friend: so just so we're clear... you eat 2 cupcakes a day and a legit lunch and don't work out.... i eat healthy food at regular intervals and workout 5 days a week... and YOU are the one who loses weight. That sum things up correctly?

roomie: um... yes. that sums it up. i drink a lot of soda too.

friend: when you die of complications from diabetes can i have your clothes? i hate you.

roomie: yes. lol. i know.

friend: they're probably too small for me. since i'm a fat ass.

roomie: i'm not toned at all if that helps.

friend: whatever.

roomie: i'm not pretty nekkid.

friend: you prob weigh less than i do.

roomie: because it is all fat.

friend: and you eat cupcakes.

roomie: i seriously jiggle.

friend: i fucking love cupcakes. i might eat a dozen on easter.

roomie: well give up lunch and dinner and you can eat two cupcakes a day too.

friend: like, fuck ham, make me some effing cupcakes.

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