Friday, December 9, 2011

Gingerbread house making party

Roomie: Do they sell premade houses somewhere? I MIGHT be able to make a batch of back yard accessories on Friday or Saturday before the party but I"m fairly certain i won't be able to make an entire house (I would make it here in SF before I fly out but I don't think it would last on the plane. mostly because i would eat it.)

Hostess: Yes at King Soopers you can buy the kit for 9.99. Thats what I am going to do. They have houses or trains.

Guest 1:I might need some instruction on making the house...

Roomie: I"m just going to make a train and then sprinkle house bits around and pretend there was a tragic christmas accident.Your house can live on the same street as mine if it gets too hard to assemble.

Hostess: WOW! Its super esy guys. 5 years olds can do it for real!!! LMAO

Roomie: yeah 5 year olds with some serious parental guidance. are your parents going to be there to help us hmmm?

Hostess: yep...with wine in hand

Guest 1: So... should I buy a box of grahm crackers???

Roomie: yeah. and maybe some fake blood. I bet we can get it on discount since halloween just ended. (btw even if we don't use them, i really like to eat graham crackers because most are vegan. well. except for the bees. but i hate bees and don't mind exploiting them for their delicious honey. take THAT bees!)

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