Monday, July 19, 2010

fat is delicious

Friend: FML. I just tried on dresses and had such a fat experience. And I bought tiramisu earlier to eat tonight. I was having a good day. I want the tiramisu. But now 1. I feel like a cow and 2. I'll feel like i'm eating feelings even though i bought it before i was having a fat evening, and 3. I'll feel guilty while eating it, like "way to go fatty. This is why you look like shit in everything you wear you fat cow. So that's cool.

roomie: Uh you are NOT a fat cow. I have seen pics. Eat the damn cake and then go super light tomorrow on food so there won't be guilt.

Friend: I"m going out in Chicago tomorrow. I need to be able to indulge and not feel guilty. FML.

roomie: UGH. I'm sorry!

Friend: On the plus side, effing delicious.

Roomie: Loves it!

Friend: Not to be confused with Plus Sized.

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