Friday, February 20, 2009

and sour patch kids aren't real kids either...

Postal worker:  Anything perishable?

Friend:  Yes, swedish fish.

Postal worker: (looking shocked) wait, there are fish in here?! you're MAILING fish????

Friend: Well they aren't alive fish!  they are swedish fish...

Postal Worker: Is that like gefilte fish?

Friend: No, this is for valentine's day, not shabbas

Postal Worker:  But they're fish?

Friend: No, they are SWEDISH FISH!

Postal worker: so, they are swedish fish...

Friend: Yes!

Postal Worker:  Which are fish...?

Friend: No! They are candy!

Postal Worker:  Fish candy?

Friend:  Fish-shaped candy!  They're swedish fish!

Postal worker:  Fish shaped fish candy?

Friend:  They don't TASTE like fish...they are red and gummy and delicious...Swedish fish....they are gummies...

Postal Worker:  That's not perishable

Friend:  Are you sure?

Postal Worker:  Your fish candy should be safe.

Friend:  Its not fish...

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