Thursday, October 29, 2009

Round One : Me

Roomie: and yet...i was going to dress up as a slutty 8 year old to drive 6 hours to party with a gay man i don't know in a city i am unfamiliar with wchihc is dangerously close to the mexican border...OH and i'd be doing all of this as a british citizen so i could stay in a hostel.

DC: Well when you put it that way....

Roomie: SO when i wake up in mexico with a gay man dressed as a slutty 8 year old, I will go on a tour fo a tequila factory and then i'll not be able to get back into america

Roomie: bc i won't be an american...haha

Roomie: OMG i HAVE to go to LA! that sounds like THE BEST STORY EVER! holy crap! i think i convinced myself with the tour of the tequila factory

Roomie: i really know how to play on my own weaknesses

DC: wow. you won your arguemtn with yourself because you played up to your own weaknesses. that is pretty amazing

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